Thursday, March 8, 2012

Not Normal {Black & White}

When I see this.

I go back.

Go back to the peace, stillness, and kindness that I see.

'T' has been home about 20 months now, and it's harder than ever.

My brothers play so nicely, and give each other new ideas. Especially with their legos.

The quietness that my mom used to have, and not have to worry about.

But no matter how hard our day is we trust God is helping us through it.

He brought 'T' to us, and we love her so much.

What we used to have was "normal". And we're not normal. God doesn't want us to be "normal".

So as I see these moments, simply when my brothers are playing.

I go back. We go back. To the moments without our 'T'.

She has strengthened us and while we try to teach her, she has also taught us.

Thank you Jesus for all you do. You truly do find families for the lonely.


God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. Psalm 68:6 NLT


The dB family said...

I call it the New normal. Life here has not been the same since we brought our girlies home. How I long for those uninterrupted times of silence. Oh well, I truly believe Psalm 68:6. God planned them for us just as much as he planned us for them.


Michlyn said...

We also call it our new normal. :)

It's different, but what we've had to get used to.

We believe that 'T' was for our family too! We see her learn and grow all the time. We also continue to see her broken heart be mended.
