Friday, August 12, 2011

Quick Post - Cute Curtains

My mom found these super cute curtains yesterday, when we stopped for a few things on our list.

I love them! They add character to our very orange kitchen. (Yes, we hope to repaint it) You know... in all of our spare time. *she says in a very "yeah-right" kind of way* :)



The dB family said...

I LOVE them!!! That first photo evokes Little House on the Prairie in my mind! What a great shot!!

I know EXACTLY what your mom means about spare time :o). I have lots of it too :oD!


Michlyn said...

I know I do too! It's funny because that was kind of an "accidental shot". Just clicked the button and that's what happened. Hehe Yes, we're trying hard to get as much stuff done before school... So not much spare time. :)
