Tuesday, July 5, 2011

lost teeth

A month ago now, S & T both lost their first tooth...
The two of them had been showing off a wiggley tooth for many days.

T. lost hers on Saturday, June 4 on the way home from E's soccer tournement game.
She was a little surprised when it fell out but very excited to show the rest of the gang her new smile :)
Even more excited to put in under her pillow to see how much "moolah" the fairy she'd heard so  much about would leave.

S. was happy for his sister but none too anxious to have his own tooth fall out. However he could be seen  feeling the strange wiggley thing all through the day both with his tongue & fingers. It was the very next day while visiting G&G "Coco" & playing a little soccer in the yard that he came walking over (very casually) with his tooth in hand... *The tooth did go missing into the grass for a short while - but was found and put under his pillow that very night.

Our "twin" 5 year olds were both pleased with the $1 they found waiting for them the next morning....

Precious Milestones =)

Have a "smilely" day,

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